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E.S.G. strategy

E.S.G. strategy - O.R.M.A. S.R.L.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues constitute a crucial element of our culture and our identity.

As a manufacturer of agricultural irrigation and landscaping equipment, we are committed to building a fairer and more sustainable future for our customers, our employees, collaborators and our communities.

We are integrating ESG principles into our business model, our production processes and our strategy. It is a concept that is always present in our projects, in the ways in which we create them and in everything we produce.

We are aware that it is not possible to achieve substantial and lasting change overnight, but we are committed to this challenging path with determination and pragmatism.

Our fundamentals are solid, our team is determined and our strategies are ambitious.

We will continue to create value for our customers, for our communities and for future generations.